We strongly believe that our success as a company has to be based on an organic processes management. Management must be customer oriented, both in terms of product compliance and value added services, aiming to full satisfaction of requirements, with full respect of employees health and safety, maximizing energy efficiency.
Our primary objectives, implemented by our Integrated Management System, are eight.
Customer Satisfaction
We aim at complete customer satisfaction, through the products and services we offer and, at the same time, we respect the needs of other interested parties. For this reason, we have defined a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Professional integrity
We believe in loyalty, fairness in working relationships and full sharing of company objectives. For this reason, we aim to increase the spirit of collaboration and the attention of all our workers and to treat colleagues, collaborators, customers, suppliers and any other third party with honesty, fairness, impartiality and without prejudice.
Accident prevention
Our goal is to achieve zero accidents and zero occupational diseases, trough the prevention and the coordinated work of all the staff. To support this ambitious goal, we have defined a Health and Safety Management System that complies with the requirements of UNI ISO 45001:2018.
Pay particular attention to preserving natural resources and minimizing the environmental effects of production processes through the adoption of the principles of the UN 2030 agenda, the start of reporting of climate-altering gas emissions generated by company activities, the preparation of a CODE OF ETHICS and sustainable procurement policies along the entire supply chain.
Compliance with the law
We firmly believe in the respect of the laws, rules, regulations, undersigned commitments applicable to the products or services we offer, the Health and Safety at Work (Legislative Decree 81/08), the environment and the efficient use and consumption of energy.
Energy awareness
In our daily practice, we encourage the conscious use and efficient management of energy resources. This is why we are defining an Energy Management System that complies with the requirements of the ISO 50001:2018 standard, guaranteeing the conscious use of resources.
Continuous improvement
We improve our processes, products and energy performance on a daily basis, including the design and purchase of energy-efficient products and services, in order to maintain a high level of competitiveness and meet the product, price and delivery needs of our customers.
Cost containment
We work daily towards the optimisation of our business processes, aiming to achieve the highest level of effectiveness and efficiency, to guarantee Customer Satisfaction.
We mean Quality as Customer needs fullfilness, seen as an integral part of an unbreakable combination made by processes, safety and energy. In our daily routing, this means compliant and reliable products and readiness for pre-sales and after-sales assistance. To achieve these ambitious goals, we involve and train the personnel, providing appropriate resources and funding, and selecting qualified supplier with which establish long-time relationship.
We conduct our business in a sustainable way in order to efficiently and strategically manage the resources available, whether they are natural, financial or human, generating value for the company and contributing to the growth, improvement and socio-economic development of the community in which the company operates and of the players that make up its value chain.